It is origin, story, you have 2000 years to reach point where world is As Free Citys are, to reach that point, is progress and failure and parths not succeeded, but also as origin story, you dont need to reach there its your story. In Free citys timeline, choices are already made world is built and no one says what path were taken to archive that point , what paths were failen, couse unprofitable or socially unsustainable. But in the origin story, you could make it happen or fail miserably by trying to make it happen, its a story, isnt it?
Unfortunately, I have to ask again how much you have played Free Cities. Free Cities is set in our universe 21 years in the future, not 2000 years. The 2000 years do not match what is stated in Free Cities. Here is the very first paragraph that you see when you start a new game: "
It is the year 2037, and the past 21 years have not been kind. The world is starting to fall apart. The climate is deteriorating, resources are being exhausted, and there are more people to feed every year. Technology is advancing, but not fast enough to save everyone." When the game was released in 2016, 2037 was 21 years in the future. This should probably be updated to 2043 now.
In addition to the introduction, the Free Cities lore is described in the in-game encyclopedia with several fictional articles dated from 2031, 2032 and 2037 describing how the world evolved and how sexual trends and slave fetishism became more and more important. Note that these articles hint that slavery and the "
modern acceptance and frequency of heterosexual anal sex", glory holes, slave brothels, and many fetishes were well developed before some Free Cities decided to turn to feudalism with Neo-Feudal and Neo-Imperial arcologies (shortly before 2031, according to those articles).
What is described in "Free Cities: Origins" does not match the timeline described in the original Free Cities. That's why I suggested adapting this game to be closer to the original Free Cities (with themes of dark sci-fi, sexual slavery, etc.), or to change the name of the game and remove the association with Free Cities.
Another option would be to describe it as an alternate universe, to break the ties that Free Cities has with our current universe. The game could then be called something like "Free Cities and the Multiverse of Sexiness".